About GRM

Global Rose Media was conceived in the heart of Rosa Ore, President, many years ago in New York City. While living in New York City, she dreamed of the day where she could use all her gifts, talents and life experiences to empower others to reach their full potential. She believes that everybody has their own unique identity that needs developing and exposure. As a result, Global Rose Media was established as a company where people’s inner beauty and strengths would be put on full display for the world to see in a professional, classy and sophisticated manner. GRM dedicates all it’s talents and resources to expanding an individual’s and company’s brand influence through social media platforms. 



Global Rose Media has grown and expanded quicker than ever and has a staff that is ready and equipped to handle any company’s social media marketing needs. The GRM team provides top of the line social media management, brand development, original designs and custom made templates for each client as well as ongoing marketing strategizing and consultations. 

When Global Rose Media manages a company’s social media accounts, brand influence is evident through exponential growth and engagement. New leads are continuously generated and brand recognition is dynamic. 

Let Global Rose Media develop your brand for the world to see. 

Hello! I'm Rosa Ore

Rosa Ore, has a Master of Arts degree in Latin American and Caribbean Studies, and is currently pursuing a Doctoral degree in Adult Education and Human Resource Development. She has worked in the educational arena for over 25 years and is originally from New York City. When she moved to Florida about 10 years ago, she began working in higher education as a university instructor, college mentor, and university advisor.

While working in the educational sector, she realized that she wanted to use her skills and knowledge of social media to empower leaders and entrepreneurs in her community. As a result, she founded Global Rose Media, a social media marketing company.

Rosa Ore

Founder and President of Global Rose Media. She has extensive experience in social media marketing and uses her knowledge to lead this company towards the new era of social media.

Dianne Cruz

Holds a Bachelor's degree in Communications. She is the creative and brand developer and uses her skills to do client consultations.

Jennifer Diaz

Holds a Bachelor's degree in Theater and has a passion for writing. She is our creative writer and developer. She specializes in strategizing brand development and client consultations.

Gabriel Diaz

Attended film school at Full Sail University and has over 10 years of experience in video editing and film production and lighting. He specializes in logistics, video editing and commercials.